UK: Ed Miliband, Leader of the Opposition, has “Never Felt Closer to the Jewish Community”

Daily Stormer
March 8, 2014

Ed milliband.

With the present UK government chaired by a Jew, it is only proper that the opposition be obsessed with worshiping Jews.

Red Ed Milliband told the guests at the dinner all the things that were most important to the Labour party of ‘Britain’. Things like fighting Antisemitism, funding special schools for Jews and supporting Israel.

From the JC:

Ed Miliband has revealed that his relationship with the Jewish community has grown and deepened in the years since he became leader of the Labour Party.

He told guests at the Community Security Trust’s annual dinner on Wednesday: “I feel more part of the Jewish community than at any other time in my life”.

The Labour leader also emphasised the importance of supporting Israel and recalled how the country “provided sanctuary” to his grandmother after the Holocaust.

He said his trip to Israel next month would be “a very special moment”.

Mr Miliband promised that his party would continue to fund security for Jewish faith schools if it came to power and pledged to take the lead in “fighting antisemitism wherever we find it”.

He said he would remember the need to prevent hatred and prejudice and act against them if he becomes Prime Minister.

Marking the charity’s 20th anniversary, Mr Miliband praised CST’s “extraordinary” achievements and its thousands of volunteers who provide security for the Jewish community.

There was further praise for the “extraordinary contribution” of British Jews to “every part of our society”.

Ed Miliband gives us a hint of things to come with his backdrop.