Colin and Kath Halsey have been told they could face criminal damage charges after planting daffodils and pansies on a grass verge outside their home.
This is what the White man does: he improves his surroundings.
He has an irresistible urge to make a place look cared for, especially when it involves doing something now, in order to see the results far into the future. Planting seeds and then reaping the rewards years later is something inextricably linked with our race, that finds its expression nowadays mainly in our well kept gardens. What a shame that one of our most basic urges like this has now been criminalized.
Shame on the council for their treatment of this elderly couple for obeying their natural instincts as White people.
The illicit beds were spotted when the council worker carried out an inspection of the village.
All they wanted to do was make their lawn look pretty.
Fed up with motorists parking on the verge, this couple planted a colourful flowerbed to keep them away.
For the past 15 years, they have nurtured daffodils, pansies and hydrangeas, which were admired by all their neighbours.
But the local council has suddenly decided that the well-kept flowerbed is a criminal offence under the Highways Act.
And it has threatened Colin Halsey, 77, and his wife, Kath, 76, with court action unless they dig it up.
The trouble started when a council officer inspecting the area warned Mr Halsey, who has lived in the house in Northwich, Cheshire, for 53 years, about his ‘planting activity’.
The Halseys planted these flowers and bushes on the verge outside their home to stop motorists churning up the grass whenever they parked their cars.
The retired salesman then received a letter saying he could be charged with ‘criminally damaging the highway’ – which carries a maximum £50 fine – if he failed to remove the plants and returf the area at his own expense.
‘This situation really upsets us – especially as we have nurtured that flowerbed for the best part of 15 years,’ Mr Halsey said.
‘We spent a lot of money to make the area look nice and now some council jobsworth wants us to get it back to how it was.
‘The front garden used to look terrible with cars churning up the soil.
‘All we wanted to do was to stop that for the good of the neighbourhood. All our neighbours liked the flowerbed.
Mr Halsey said that his front garden had looked ‘terrible’ with cars churning up the soil, and he wanted to stop this ‘for the good of the neighbourhood’.