UK: Eritrean Punches, Rapes Bongette on Her Way to Work

Filmon Teklay.

So is this a standard morning in the UK these days?

Wake up, walk to work, get enriched, get a latte at Starbucks?

Because it certainly seems that way to me.

Yorkshire Evening Post:

A sex attacker who raped a woman while she was walking to work in Leeds early one morning been jailed for more than six years.

Filmon Teklay punched the woman and threatened to kill her before sexually assaulting and raping her near the former New Roscoe pub building on Bristol Street, Leeds Crown Court heard.

The court was told Eritrean national Teklay, who was seeking asylum in the UK at the time of the attack, targeted his victim at around 6am on September 3.

The woman, who struggled and screamed for help during her ordeal, said the attack has had a devastating impact.

Teklay, of no fixed abode, admitted charges of sexual assault and rape.