UK: Evil Hobbit to Ban Our Leader from His Faggot Parliament House

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2017

IMPORTANT UPDATE: I’ve learned that Bercow is a Romanian kike. smdh kike hobbits 2017.

John Bercow says the only good part about Trump’s visit is it will give him a chance to try and steal the ring of power, which he claims is “the only way to protect the Shire.”

The levels to which international figures are sinking in order to attack our GOD EMPEROR is absolutely astounding.

You would expect adults to behave like adults, as a rule – but no dice.

This sickening British hobbit is behaving like a blue-haired feminist, which in turn behaves like a spoiled toddler with a debilitating learning disability.

NBC News:

The president was the subject of an unprecedented snub Monday by the usually-impartial speaker of the House of Commons, the most powerful branch of the U.K.’s legislature.“Before the imposition of the migrant ban, I would myself have been strongly opposed to an address by President Trump in Westminster Hall,” John Bercow told the Commons. “After the imposition of the migrant ban I am even more strongly opposed to an address by President Trump in Westminster Hall.”

Trump is expected to visit the U.K. later this year. Not all presidents include a speech to Parliament as part of their itinerary but Obama, Clinton and Reagan all did so.

Were Trump to make an address inside one of Parliament’s halls, Bercow is one of three lawmakers who would need to sign off on it — something he implied he would block Monday.

“Our opposition to racism and to sexism, and our support for equality before the law and an independent judiciary, are hugely important considerations,” he said.

That’s fine, Bercow.

Just keep pushing it then.

But understand this: if you push too far, we will invade your country and kill millions with chemical weapons.

You can play your little games, but let’s be crystal: we’re not playing a game here, Frodo.

We are on a mission to save the Western world and the white race, and we shall not suffer foolish hobbits.