Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 14, 2014

The evil Jew deputy children’s commissioner is doing her best to prevent the family courts from opening to the public.
Because these courts take place in secret and the parents have no right to have their own evidence taken into account, thousands of White children have been stolen from their families and put into government care programs where the brown-skinned hordes then prey upon them and pass them around as sex slaves.
The chief family law judge, President of the Family Division Sir James Munby, is chairing a debate on how open these courts should be and the evil child-snatcher Sue Berelowitz has shocked everyone by being the only person to oppose it.
She claimed that children will be pushed into committing suicide if the courts are not kept entirely secret, even from the parents – she even threatened to get the UN involved if the supply of White children was effected in any way.

The remarks were greeted with astonishment and disbelief by campaigners for open justice.
One said: ‘I don’t know what planet this woman is on.’ High Court judge Sir Roderick Newton, who spoke alongside Miss Berelowitz in a legal debate on whether the courts and their decisions should be reported in the media, said family courts should be open to scrutiny.
He said: ‘To put it rather bluntly, if a judge can change the whole of someone’s life by the stroke of a pen, then there is a pressing need, an overwhelming need, I would say, for openness.’
During her address, Miss Berelowitz broke a widely observed media rule and described a common means of suicide. She added: ‘I genuinely fear that it is only a matter of time before this deeply misguided motion, which has at its heart, I believe, an utter disregard for the welfare and best interests of children, and is, in my view, therefore unlawful, will result in the death of a child.’
It is not the first time Miss Berelowitz has made controversial comments. During her career in child protection:
– She was a director of children’s services for a local council rated ‘inadequate’ by inspectors;
– She produced a report on gang sex abuse of children which said there was no evidence that Asian men were responsible. One government figure said it was ‘difficult to overstate the contempt’ with which ministers viewed it;
– One of her first public statements as Deputy Children’s Commissioner was to respond to the outcry over the death of Baby P. She said ‘the safeguarding of children requires the implementation of basic good practice’.
Miss Berelowitz also warned that the Children’s Commissioner would protest to the UN children’s rights committee over the issue of openness in family courts.
Her intervention comes amid an ongoing dispute among judges, lawyers and social workers over how far the family courts should be opened.