Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 19, 2015

Women in positions of power cannot be trusted not to abuse that power. This female official thought she could use her position to get revenge on her partner, but the jury saw through her lies. She still refuses to accept their verdict, but despite that, the judge will not imprison her, because she has an autistic son that needs looking after.
A Leicester mayoral candidate has escaped a prison sentence for lying to the police but could to be disqualified as a councillor.
Barbara Potter appeared at Leicester Crown Court this morning to be sentenced for intending to pervert the course of justice.
She had told the police her ex-partner Andrew Taylor had spat on her car when in fact he had a cast-iron alibi as he was 40 miles away working at the time in August 2013.
Potter claimed she had made a genuine mistake when she reported him and denied the charge but was convicted by a jury.
Judge Nicholas Dean sentenced the 48-year-old, of Winslow Green, Netherhall, Leicester, to an eight month prison term suspended for two years.
…This morning she was confirmed as Leicester Independent Councillors Against Cuts candidate for the city’s mayoral election but her conviction an hour later may also bar her from standing.
She has lodged an appeal against her conviction and council officials say any disqualification must wait until the process is concluded.
Judge Dean told Potter: “Doing an act intended to pervert the course of justice is always a serious thing.
“The jury convicted you of deliberately and falsely implicating Mr Taylor in a criminal offence, albeit a minor one.
“The jury did not believe your account.
“You have not accepted the jury’s verdict and I know that having read publicity you yourself have been responsible for.
“I am going to treat you as somebody of good character.
“Whatever anybody may think of your political views it is the case you have done a great deal of good in your life as a councillor.”
The judge described Potter as conscientious adding: “A custodial sentence is inevitable these kind of cases. I think I can suspend it – just.”
Potter had argued she should not be jailed as it would mean her vulnerable 18-year-old son would suffer.
This modern case shows that things have not changed, the same problems identified in the past have never been rectified. Women have only recently been allowed to act as witnesses in court cases, as it was accepted throughout history that their testimony could not be trusted if they had any personal interest in the case, as they would be more interested in getting revenge, than seeing justice served.
It was also considered unimaginable that a woman could be imprisoned, for the same reason the judge gives here, that she has dependants who rely on her. After all, what civilized society would imprison its women? Because no punishment was possible for women without making the society itself immoral in doing so, they could lie their heads off in court if they felt like it.
This court case proves that our traditions were indeed correct and that it is not men who are privileged in our world today, but women, who are free to lie as much as they want and to hurt whoever they like, safe in the knowledge that if they do get caught there will be no danger of them having to pay for it.