UK: Fifteen Moslems Assault White Soldier, Run Him Down with a Mercedes


Now here’s a crime that’s been heavily covered up.

Had it not been for Tommy Robinson’s confirmation on Facebook (posted below), we wouldn’t even know that the “group of males” was, in fact, around fifteen Moslems who targeted Josh after learning he was a soldier.

I guess the “Pakis running over white soldiers” narrative doesn’t jive with the “diversity is our strength” motto we’re still expected to believe.

West Yorkshire Police:

Police have arrested a man as part of their investigation in to an incident outside TBC nightclub in Batley.

The incident happened around 4:41am on New Year’s Day outside the TBC nightclub on Bradford Road, close to the junction with Hick Lane.

There was an altercation inside the club with a group of males which then proceeded outside the premises.

A 21-year-old male was then knocked down by a blue Mercedes and seriously injured.

This incident is being treated as a serious assault.

The blue Mercedes fled the scene but was later recovered by police.

Police can confirm that the 21-year-old male victim in this matter is a serving member of HM Forces.

The victim is in a serious but stable and conscious state, talking to family at his bedside and when he is ready the police will be speaking to him.
