UK: Final Four Members of Huddersfield Paki Rape Gang Arrested

Well, that’s it.

Britain’s Paki rape epidemic is finally over.

We’ll never hear about another crime like this ever again.


The last four members of a grooming gang of 20 men who raped vulnerable underaged girls in Huddersfield have been sentenced.

Mohammed Akram, 36, Niaz Ahmed, 54, Mohammed Imran Ibrar, 34, and Asif Bashir, 33, were sentenced to jail terms of between three and 17 years each for historic abuse at Leeds Crown Court Thursday, reports the BBC.

Mohammed Akram was convicted of two counts of rape and two counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation; he was sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment.

Niaz Ahmed was convicted of sexual assault and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity; he has been imprisoned for five years.

Mohammed Imran Ibrar was convicted of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and trafficking for sexual exploitation; he was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment.

Asif Bashir was convicted of attempted rape and rape; he has been jailed for 11 years.

Sixteen of their fellow gang rapists, of mostly Pakistani-Muslim heritage, had already been sentenced last month.

The court had heard during the trial that the gang rapists had plied their young victims with drugs and alcohol, sometimes threatening to abandon them on the moors if they did not comply with their demands.