UK: Former MI5 Chief States That Moslem Terrorism is Here to Stay

In September 2016, Sadiq Khan, the Paki mayor of London – who I hate more than anyone else on Earth – publicly stated that the threat of terrorist attacks was “part and parcel of living in a big city.”

Khan was serious when he spoke those words, despite smirking on the inside.

This time, however, a former MI5 chief has expressed similar sentiments – but unlike Khan, he was laughing while he said it.


Former MI5 chief Lord Evans has warned that the Islamist threat to the UK is likely to continue for the next “20 to 30 years.”

In an interview with BBC Radio 4, the former director of Britain’s Security Service (MI5) said the issue of Islamist terrorism is a “generational problem” and that the UK must “persevere” to defeat it comprehensively.

Evans, who resigned as the head of MI5 in 2013, warned the threat posed by radical Islamists is unlikely to subside due to the rise of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

“There’s no doubt that we are still facing a severe terrorist threat but I think it’s also important to put this in a slightly longer context because right the way back from the 1990s we have been experiencing difficulties from Islamist terrorists of one sort or another.

“Over that period the threat has come and gone but the underlying threat has continued.

“Since 2013 there have been 19 attempted attacks that have been disrupted and even since the attack at Westminster [in March] we are told there have been six disruptions, so this is a permanent state of preparedness.

“We’re at least 20 years into this. My guess is that we will still be dealing with the long tail in over 20 years’ time,” Evans added.

Okay, I made up that part about him laughing.

But he might as well have been. This is a complete joke.

The United Kingdom is an island – protecting it from Moslem terrorism is as simple as closing its borders to Moslems and deporting known terrorists (and, in the long term, all Moslems).

A child understands it, a spastic understands it, even a vegetable would understand it (I don’t mean someone with brain damage, I mean a literal carrot or cauliflower).

And you better believe that MI5 understands it.

The reason Moslem terrorism isn’t being stopped is because it’s the intended outcome, the desired result, of the Kalergi plan that the MI5 elite – and their Jewish masters – follow. All this talk of Moslem terrorism being out of control is just verbal masturbation intended to prime the public for conquest.

Even if you argue that the UK cannot control its own borders due to EU red tape, you then have to ask, “So why is the government doing everything it can to stop Brexit?”

All roads lead to conscious treason.

Lord Evans might not have aided the Kalergi plan during his stint as MI5 chief, but his statement about the UK “persevering” through open borders is Orwellian to the core.

How exactly do native Britons “persevere” through infinity Moslems?

By converting to Islam I guess, lol.