UK: Gang of 5 Muslims Smashed American Tourist’s Eye Socket in with Broken Glass Bottle – for Drinking Alcohol

Daily Mail
June 25, 2014

The student from Florida suffered serious facial injuries in the attack – and was left with a smashed eye socket.

A gang of men attacked an American student while he was drinking in the street – grabbing a glass bottle from his hands and smashing it over his head, a court was told.

Francesco Hounye, 23, from Florida, had been in Britain for just three days when he was set upon by the men while he was walking home with a friend in Shadwell, east London.

Shaleem Uddin, 20, Shadhat Hussain, 19, Kamrul Hussain, 22, and Massom Rahman, 22, targeted Mr Hounye when they saw him swigging from a bottle of Jagermeister.

They then chased him, beat him, and smashed the bottle over his head, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard.

CCTV footage shows Mr Hounye being kicked mercilessly as he lay crouched in the road.

The student suffered extensive injuries – including a smashed eye socket.

A fourth man, Samad Uddin, 24, is on trial for grievous bodily harm after the four others admitted their roles in the attack.

Uddin claims he is a victim of mistaken identity.

The footage shows Mr Hounye attempting to make an escape as the group continue to hit him. Four of the men have admitted GBH – one with intent – following the attack last June.

Paul Casey, prosecuting, said: ‘This case involves a group attack involving all five of these men on one person, Mr Francesco Hounye.

‘The prosecution’s case, in a nutshell, is that he was caused injuries, really serious injuries – grievous bodily harm.

‘All of them were willingly involved in that attack, all of them played a part.

‘Two in particular played the most serious role, Shaleem Uddin and Samad Uddin.

‘Shaleem Uddin used the bottle to strike Mr Hounye over the head, causing him severe cuts to the side of his head.

‘Immediately prior to that, Samad Uddin and a number of others were involved trying to wrestle the bottle from Mr Hounye.’

Masoon Rahman has admitted GBH.but other Muslim gang member Samad Uddin denies GBH with intent.

‘During the course of the attack Samad Uddin aimed a number of kicks to Mr Hounye whilst he was prone on the ground, including one which CCTV shows his right foot connecting with some force with Mr Hounye’s head.’

Mr Hounye, who was too terrified to go out in London after the incident and has since returned to Florida, was attacked while with a friend on New Road, east London, on June 17 last year.

Mr Casey continued: ‘Both of them had been drinking alcohol and Mr Hounye had a bottle of liquor with him – the brand was Jagermeister.

‘They passed a group of young males and this group of young males – principally the five defendants – attempted to speak to the two men.

‘The two men perceived their attitude and body language to be threatening and intimidating so they continued on their way.’

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