UK: Gang of Colored Schoolchildren Attack White Female Classmate

Don’t worry; the school authorities have seen the video and they’ve already punished the white girl for speaking out about it.

This little snitch needs to realize that Britain is an inclusive society, and inclusive societies have zero tolerance for white kids who don’t want to get beaten up by gangs of grinning coloreds in the playground.

The Mirror:

The victim of a gang of bullies has been excluded for “fighting and bringing the school into disrepute”.

April Ward, 12, required hospital treatment after a sickening assault which was recorded and uploaded onto social media.

The Year 8 pupil – who attends Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School – was surrounded before being beaten and booted as she screamed for help before falling to the ground, reports Birmingham Live.

Just 24 hours after the video was shared on Facebook , the victim’s family wanted everyone to see exactly what happened.

And now officials at Cardinal Wiseman have written to mum Roxanne Jones outlining how April has been excluded.

Mum Miss Jones fumed: “Today I received a letter from Cardinal Wiseman Catholic Technology College saying my daughter has been excluded.

“Is this school kidding me?

“My daughter got punched, kicked, hair pulled, abused by a group of students from Cardinal Wiseman.

“I can’t explain how frustrated, angry and hurt I am for my daughter.

“The fact that she has to relive this moment and then to be penalised her education… it’s disgusting.”

The letter addressed to Miss Jones explained how bully victim April has been excluded for an initial five-day period between February 8 and February 14.

“This means that April will not be allowed in this school for this period,” the letter read.

“April is not to visit the school premises or its neighbouring area during this exclusion.

On Friday, mum Miss Jones said she would keep her daughter at home, and vowed: “She’ll never go back to that school.”

April Ward.