Daily Stormer
February 16, 2017
Thanks, Bullsh!t man, I’ll keep that in mind next time I read The Guardian.
These people are really getting desperate.
After banning National Action, the cucked British government probably thought their troubles were winding down. But obviously, the power of nationalism is only gaining traction as our message spreads over these tubes.
So now they’re spending a small fortune to try to beat us on our own battlefield: internet memes.
Nationalist propaganda has moved into the mainstream. Breitbart News, the far-right outlet once led by Donald Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon, is launching new sites in Germany and France. Breitbart London has already launched, and a cursory glance at its front page shows stories pushing three simple messages: migrants are bad; Muslims are bad; the EU is bad.
Can anyone really argue that Moslems are good though? Good at what? Raping women and blowing up buses?
And are migrants goods for anything else than leeching off of the native population, or (at best) stealing our jobs?
And let’s not even get into the EU.
The EU is like a really lame and boring Hydra, except run by Jews. Come to think of it, it’s not like Hydra at all. How awful.
In light of the spread of far-right bigotry and misinformation, Theresa May’s government has launched a campaign to fight back. As part of a £60m government project, the advertising group M&C Saatchi will be tasked with combating the increasingly widespread influence and propaganda of the so-called “alt-right”. The Home Office put out a statement on the day the new campaign was reported: “This government is determined to challenge extremism in all its forms including the evil of far-right extremism and the terrible damage it can cause to individuals, families and communities.”
60 million pounds? I couldn’t think of any way public funds could be better allocated than giving them to advertising Jews in order to brainwash the population into accepting their own destruction. Bravo.
The Saatchi team are past masters at taking complex political ideas and boiling them down to bold, concise messages. Maurice Saatchi calls it a “brutal simplicity of thought”. It has served the agency, and the Tories, extremely well. Posters such as 1978’s “Labour Isn’t Working”, 1992’s “Double Whammy” and 2015’s image of a subservient Ed Miliband tucked into Alex Salmond’s breast pocket shaped debate and defined campaigns.
The most insulting part of all this is that they think these Saatchi Kikes are even remotely at a level to compete with us in our mastery of memes.
They’re in for a rude awakening.
This feels like kicking a baby. A Jewish baby. So it’s not so bad.
Just the thought of having these losers pouring over gigabytes of /pol/ memes to try and “figure us out” is hilarious, especially since it’s doomed to fail.
A major difference between us and the left is that we understand our enemy perfectly, while they don’t have the faintest clue about how we think. They’re incapable of understanding things like truth, justice and honor – that’s why they’re leftists. But this also means that all their efforts at “memes” are doomed to be ridiculous and soul-less imitations.