Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2013

From the Guardian:
Female genital mutilation (FGM) should be treated the same as any other kind of child abuse and evidence of it must be reported to the police, according to the report.
Janet Fyle, a policy adviser of the Royal College of Midwives and one of the report’s authors, said that just as it was inconceivable that a health worker would not report evidence of child abuse to the police, it should be equally important to report evidence of FGM.
“If we are applying child protection laws, we cannot pick and choose which crimes against children we pursue,” she said.
“We are not asking for more money or legislation, we are just asking that child protection laws should work for all children not just some.”
According to the report more than 66,000 women in England and Wales have undergone FGM and more than 24,000 girls under the age of 15 are at risk of it.
Despite its regular occurrence, FGM has not resulted in a prosecution in Britain, whereas in France there have been about 100.
The report – Tackling Female Genital Mutilation in the UK – will be launched at the House of Commons on Monday by the Royal Colleges of Midwifery, Nursing and Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Unite union and Equality Now. It has been praised by the government.
FGM is carried out in Africa and the Middle East by Muslims and non-Muslims. It predates Islam and is not called for in the Qur’an although it mostly occurs in countries that became Islamic.
In countries such as Somalia and Egypt more than 90% of women have undergone some kind of FGM but it is also common in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Mali and Sierra Leone. Although FGM has been outlawed in the UK since 1985, migrants from countries where FGM is common have continued the practice here or by taking girls to their home countries for it to be performed.
Since 2003, Britons can be prosecuted for acts of FGM abroad.
The report recommends that FGM must be treated as child abuse and evidence of it should be collected by the NHS and shared with the police and education officials. It also recommends that health workers who detect evidence of FGM should treat it as a crime and inform the police.
This is surely all good and well, as this barbaric practice of the Muslims is inexcusable.
But what about the mutilation of male genitals? What, exactly, is the difference, and why is no one calling for this to be outlawed, particularly in America, where the practice is still widespread?
Oh, I know – if we were to call for that, we would be Antisemites.
Last time someone – Hadrian the Great – tried to ban mutilation of boys’ penises, the Jews started a war. It is really important to them to do this.