UK: Guilty Plea from Spiteful Black Coward Who Stabbed White Ex-Girlfriend to Death in Front of Horrified Onlookers

Daily Mail
June 8, 2014

Former couple: Asher Maslin, pictured with Hollie Gazzard before the pair split. He has now admitted murder. If Blacks and Whites were segregated and miscegenation illegal this girl would still be alive.

Miss Gazzard was nearing the end of her shift when she was brutally set upon.

During the attack in February, and as paramedics and police officers desperately tried to save the 20-year-old’s life, bystanders were filming on their mobile phones. Police later warned them not to upload the pictures to social media sites.

In the run-up to her death, Miss Gazzard had used her Twitter account to hint at her on/off relationship with an ex-boyfriend.

One tweet, written last December, said: “Why are people so selfish?! If a person isn’t happy within the relationship why try and make them stay?!”

Another, a retweet sent just a few weeks before she died, said: ‘Sometimes holding on is a sign of weakness.’

Following her death, Miss Gazzard’s family said ‘the brightest star’ in their lives had gone out.

A post-mortem examination found she died from multiple stab wounds.

Hollie Gazzard, another victim of equality.

He told Maslin: ‘Your sentencing will take place on a date to be fixed in the relative near future.

‘You appreciate that the only sentence that can be imposed is one – imprisonment for life.

‘It will be for the sentencing judge to determine the minimum term you will serve before you become eligible for parole.

‘In the meantime you will be remanded into custody.’

Maslin, of Benhall Gardens, Cheltenham, had been due to go on trial at Gloucester Crown Court on July 14.

Miss Gazzard’s family did not wish to speak after the hearing.

But Detective Chief Inspector Steve Bean, the senior investigating officer, said: ‘This was a spiteful and cowardly attack by a self-obsessed individual who couldn’t handle rejection.

‘I think Maslin realised he didn’t have a chance but he pleaded guilty as the evidence was overwhelming.’

He said Maslin purchased a knife and went to the salon to attack her.

‘Maslin, following a domestic split, purchased a knife and went to Hollie’s place of work. They had a row and he stabbed her 14 times,’ he said.

Asher Maslin, the ape that did it.

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