UK: Half of Homes Built in the Next Five Years will Go to Migrants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2017

This is good for construction workers.

Or I suppose I should say: To jest dobre dla pracowników budowlanych.

Daily Mail:

Almost half of new homes built in the next five years will go to migrants, government figures have revealed.

Soaring immigration means that Britain will need to accommodate as many as 243,000 new households each year for the next 22 years, the Department for Communities and Local Government has said.

It is been estimated that an extra 5.3 million new properties could be needed to meet the growth in population, and an extra 2.4 million of the new homes will be needed for migrants alone.

This means that one new home needs to be built every five minutes to house Britain’s burgeoning migrant population.

Integration minister Nicholas Bourne told peers that an 109,000 extra homes will be needed every year by migrants and their families as Britain’s population grows.

‘Net ­migration accounts for an estimated 45 per cent of this growth,’ he said.

Well, they need places to live, goyim.

In your country.

They can’t live in their own countries, because you destroyed them a thousand years ago during the Crusades.

Remember that one?

The Crusades?