Daily Stormer
April 10, 2014

Please note that it was the Muslim parents who complained loudest about this faggot teaching the children to engage in sick anal behaviors.
The secular British parents were likely sitting at home saying “ah, well then, jolly good then, straight up the bum with it then, carry on chaps.”

Once again, we need to feel deeply shamed that the savage hordes are more civilized than we are.
From the Daily Mail:
A gay assistant head teacher has been forced to resign after Muslim parents complained that they did not want their children learning that it’s OK to be homosexual.
The dispute at Birmingham’s Chilwell Croft Academy, which mainly involved Muslim parents, is the latest controversy surrounding a secular state school in the city.
Andrew Moffat, who resigned from the primary school in December and will leave his post this month, said some Christian parents had also complained.
But fellow teachers are concerned that the respected teacher may have been the victim of an alleged plot by Muslim extremists to force non-Muslim teachers out and replace them with hardliners.
Last month a letter was circulated referring to a ‘Trojan Horse’ plot for Muslim extremists to take over the running of schools in Birmingham.
The authenticity of the letter is unclear but its very existence led to a flood of allegations from parents and staff at several schools .
At least 12 schools are under now investigation by the Department for Education (DfE) following allegations that strict Islamic practices have been introduced there.
Mr Moffat has written several articles and books on homophobia in schools, in which he makes recommendations of how to teach children how to be tolerant.
One book, entitled Challenging Homophobia in Primary Schools, has been used in literacy lessons for 10 and 11-year-olds, including those at Chilwell Croft.
One suggested lesson plan describes a picnic at which gay families are guests. Pupils are encouraged to treat all the picnic guests equally.
Mr Moffat, who worked at the school for five years, also trained teachers on how to prevent homophobic bullying.
‘In my work I have met with some challenging views from different sections of the community,’ he said.
‘Some Christian and some Muslim parents have told me they don’t want their children learning that it’s OK to be gay.
‘I did come out at school in an assembly after a group of 11-year-olds held up a poster they made, with the heading “Gay is good”. It seemed like the right time to let the children know that they knew a gay person.
‘Following my coming out, some parents from different communities complained to the school, but I maintain that my decision was the right one at that time.’
Mr Moffat has now accepted another teaching position outside Birmingham.
Liam Nolan, the high- profile gay head teacher at Perry Beeches Academy in Birmingham, told the Sunday Times he had been ‘incredibly shocked that an assistant head teacher who was doing incredible work around relationship education had been intimidated by a small group of what are being seen as extremists in the city’.
To be fair, in the UK complaints from Muslims would take precedence over complaints from local people.
I cannot imagine what we would expect to happen when we allow homosexualists to teach children. Even putting aside any moral judgement, homosexualism is a cult with members who are unable to reproduce. Of course then they must recruit.
For a homosexualist, obsessed as he is with sex, more homosexual conversions means more people to have sex with.
And they love the young ones.