UK: Homeless Black Stranger Raped Woman Working Alone in Office

Daily Mail
June 11, 2014

Adison Bridet was on bail following a previous rape allegation when he attacked the victim who was alone in an office in Luton two days after Christmas last year.

A young woman, working alone in her office over the Christmas holiday period last year, was repeatedly raped by a stranger who called by asking if he could use the phone.

Adison Bridet claimed he had been out the night before and his phone had been taken.

But, after making his call, Bridet dragged the 22 year old into a back room where he raped her three times.

He even forced her to look at herself in a full length mirror as he carried out the attack.

Today Luton Crown Court heard that at the time of the offence – the morning after Boxing Day last year – Bridet was already on bail following a rape allegation in Portsmouth.

Judge Philip Bartle was told that offence was not pursued and eventually dropped.

Bridet, 22, of no fixed address, was given an extended prison sentence of 14 years today after pleading guilty to a charge of rape and two offences of assault by penetration.

Luton Crown Court, pictured, heard that Bridet dragged the victim into a back room where he raped her three times, even forcing her to look at a full length mirror so she could see the attack taking place.

Judge Bartle told Bridet the custodial element of the sentence meant he would serve 10 years behind bars and, once released, would be on extended licence for 4 years.

Tim Clarke, prosecuting, said the 22-year-old woman was working alone in her office in Luton town centre when Bridet came in.

After using the phone, Bridet asked if he could visit the bathroom.

By now, the girl was becoming suspicious and moved her bag and a knife.

The court heard that when he emerged from the bathroom, he suddenly grabbed her and dragged her into a back room, where he removed her clothes and punched her about the face and head.

‘He squeezed her neck so hard, she thought she was going to die,’ said Mr Clarke.

Blacks will never stop raping. They do not see it the same way we do and the only way to protect ourselves from it is to segregate our countries from them entirely.

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