Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 20, 2014

In a bold action which would only be capable in the multiculti liberal Hell of the Disjointed Kingdom, officials have declared that internet trolls will now be sent to prison for two years if they hurt someone’s feelings with mean words.
They are, of course, claiming this has something to do with threats, but anyone who has ever been on the internet knows that it is normal discourse to make various threats. I don’t know why that happens, but it is some sort of a psychological phenomenon which should probably be studied. Anyway, no one is actually serious about the threats, as evidenced by the fact that no one who threatened to “rape a bitch” on Twitter actually did it, and so said it simply because they thought it was funny.
I am not here to defend rape jokes, but it seems to me people have a right to mock others on the internet in whatever manner they wish as long as there is no danger no physical danger to the individual being mocked. The idea that the UK government considers it its prime directive to protect people’s feelings by putting other people in prison is whacked-out and stupid, pushing forward the Marxist agenda of propping up the weak over the strong.
As is generally the case, this is being lobbied to protect women, who, though exactly the same as men in every way, need special laws to protect their feelings.
The law will of course be morphed into protecting the terrorist actions of the filthy Christ-killing Jews and their hordes of subhuman invaders.
The entire concept of “free speech” was designed to support the rights of people to say things that may offend. If speech is not offensive to anyone, there would be no need at all to protect it as no one will ever try to stop you from saying something that offends no one in the first place. However, the Jews, through their conniving schemes, have transformed “freedom of speech” into “freedom of obscenity,” to the point where the term “free speech” is associated exclusively with pornography and sick insults to Christianity. Obscenity was never considered protected speech before, but now it is the only protected speech.
Such is life in Jewland.