UK: Islamic Convert Detained for Sending Potential Terrorist-Casing Photos to Pakistan

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 8, 2017


Converted to Islam, huh?

The Sun:

Club bosses were tipped off after discovering a member of staff, who converted to Islam, had been sending mobile phone footage of the Lions’ stadium to a pal in Pakistan.

The employee’s Facebook page contained screen grabs of the FaceTime conversation as well as links to the controversial Finsbury Park Mosque.

Millwall suspended the worker and called in counter-terror cops, who swiftly raised the threat level to the highest level for any club.

He was spoken to by cops but not arrested. He has been discharged from hospital but remains on sick leave.

A source said: “The alert was raised by a member of staff and the club was quick to head off any possible threat.

“The police took it really seriously and plain-clothes officers have been trawling the stadium speaking to staff.

“Security was stepped up across the club but police have said there’s no direct threat.”

I think this concept of white converts might be something that the system is trying to cover up.

Because when that really starts to pick-up, we are going to be in a very serious situation.

In actual fact, it is probably going to be white converts leading the Islamic war against Europe. They are certainly smarter. And there is no one more fanatical than a convert.

That is currently probably the most likely thing going on with Stephen Paddock.