UK: Jewish Arch-Bishop Tells Children Sodomy is Good for Them

Daily Stormer
May 14, 2014

Evil Arch-Bishop and part-Jew Justin Welby.

The part-Jewish Archbishop of Canterbury just cannot resist his biological drive to corrupt innocence. With him at the head, the Church of England has decided that instead of condemning one of the worst sins of all, they will now actively promote it as ‘good’ and teach children to have reverence for pedophiles, perverts and all other members of the ‘diverse community.’

From the Daily Mail:

Children in Church of England schools are to be taught that gay relationships are good in new rules handed down to heads and governors yesterday.

So, no longer is it a sin so bad it caused the destruction of an entire city and everyone in it, but is now to be promoted as ‘good,’ not because God has changed his mind, or the natural order has changed, but because the part Jewish Archbishop of Canterbury says so.

They will be told to ‘revere and respect all members of the diverse community’ and material provided by gay rights pressure groups will be used in their sex education lessons.

The Bible says that if you tolerate the sin, then you are just as bad as the sinner. The church isnt just teaching the children to be tolerant, but to literally have reverence for sodomites.

The Church’s official doctrine on homosexuality, which says homosexual acts are sinful, will be relegated to form just a part of the curriculum under the 72-page package of guidelines.

Pupils, parents and teachers who believe gay sex is wrong will be allowed ‘safe space’ for their views in schools ‘to express those views without being subject to another form of discrimination’.

Society is no longer a ‘safe space’ to speak about having the same traditional view of your ancestors and children who do will be shuffled off to a separate area for intensive diversity training.

The revolution in the CofE’s approach to homoexuality and gay rights is at the core of a new programme to prevent homophobic bullying.

It will govern the education of nearly one in three state school pupils at 4,700 schools.

Including one in four primary school children being indoctrinated into the wonders of sodomy.

This is what the church should be teaching the children in their schools, this is who they should be ‘revering’, not slimey perverts hanging around the gents toilets.

Archbishop of Canterbury the Most Reverend Justin Welby said: ‘No sense of something being right or wrong justifies another wrong.

Pointing out the obvious evil of homosexuality is not ‘wrong’. The Bible and the natural order are both quite clear on that.

‘So there is never a point in which because you say that a particular form of behaviour, whether it is this, or any other, is wrong, that that justifies you saying that it is OK to bully someone. Bullying someone is always invariably unacceptable and totally wrong.’

Yes, sounds very reasonable, until you realise that their definition of bullying is to disagree with what they are promoting.

The guidance on homosexuality and bullying follows a year of re-thinking which has seen Archbishop suggest that the Church’s view on homosexuality is out of step with most of the rest of the country, and during which the Church has opened the road towards approval of blessing ceremonies for same-sex couples.

Because the rest of the country are now so demoralised that they will actually accept sodomy, we should overturn thousands of years worth of tradition and start promoting it too.

The Archbishop said yesterday: ‘Less than a year ago I set out my concerns about the terrible impact of homophobic bullying on the lives of young people and I made a public commitment to support our schools in eradicating homophobic stereotyping and bullying.

What about the terrible impact of being molested by an older member of your own sex? What about the loss of innocence caused by the teaching of perversity to young minds?

What part of this do the church not understand?

Children should not even know what sex is let alone the homosexual perversion of it.

‘This guidance aims to help schools express God’s love by ensuring that they offer a safe and welcoming place for all God’s children.

Love for God should be expressed by obeying his laws and condemning the sin and rejecting the sinner, not welcoming them in to corrupt the rest of the community.

This is a task we are called to share and I know it is one our schools take immensely seriously.’ The new rules, summarised in a 10-point plan, say that ‘schools should ensure that their Christian ethos statement emphasises an inclusivity that welcomes all, and reveres and respects all members of the diverse community.’

Nowhere in the Bible does it say you should be inclusive of sinners, it says you should have nothing to do with them unless they sincerely repent of there sin.

They tell schools that gay relationships are a ‘lived reality’ and that ‘to deny this reality is to choose to be blinkered.’

Guidelines add: ‘Within school communities, members of staff may be cohabiting and some may be in same-sex relationships; same-sex parents will be amongst the parent body, and in most secondary schools a minority of pupils will come out as homosexual.’

There is no way that a church school should have homosexual teachers in it, as to be an active homosexual is an abomination in the eyes of the God that the church claims to represent.

In the CofE’s 221 secondary schools sex education will ‘ensure that the official Church of England view is taught clearly alongside other viewpoints held by Anglicans, other Christians, and different faith perspectives and world-views.’

The official Church of England view is a heresy of the highest order, one so wicked that even the Negroes refuse to accept it and are threatening to leave.

Yes Justin, these guys actually have more morals than you.