UK: Jewish Labour Peer’s Office Raided as Part of Child Rape Enquiry

June 23, 2014

The Jewish ‘Lord’ and Labour Peer, Greville Janner, has had his office raided as part of a child-abuse investigation.

A Labour peer’s office in the House of Lords has been raided as part of a probe into historic child sex abuse allegations, writes Ben Endley in the Sunday People.

Up to eight officers from Leicestershire Police searched Greville Janner’s space and are understood to have removed computer equipment.

The force refused to confirm whether anything was seized but said the March raid was part of an ongoing enquiry.

Lord Janner, 85, has not been arrested in connection with the allegations but Leicestershire Police submitted a dossier of evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service in April.

The former QC was named Baron Janner of Braunstone, Leicester, in 1997 after serving as an MP for 27 years, at Leicester North West then Leicester West.

It is thought the raid was part of an investigation concerning allegations linked to Frank Beck, who was found guilty of abusing more than 100 children in the 1970s and 1980s.

The pervert, who ran ­children’s homes in Leicestershire, was given five life sentences and died in jail.

A police spokesman said: “Leicestershire Police can confirm that in March its officers carried out a search of part of the House of Lords in connection with an ongoing enquiry into non-recent child sexual abuse.

This is not the first time allegations of child abuse have been made against this prominent Jew.

“A search warrant was ­obtained in advance from a Crown Court Judge and the search was conducted in ­accordance with established House of Lords procedures and monitored by senior officials from the House of Lords.

“No arrests or charges have been made and enquiries continue.”

In December, Leicestershire officers searched Lord Janner’s home in Barnet, North London. His legal team has confirmed he is helping with inquiries.

Two men from Corby, Northamptonshire, aged 69 and 63 have also been quizzed in connection with the allegations but have not been arrested.

In Beck’s 1991 trial, a 30-year-old man claimed he had been abused by Lord Janner, who was still an MP at the time, while he was in care aged 13.

Lord Janner was not ­prosecuted and received cross-party support in the Commons when he said there was “not a shred of truth” in the claims.

Greville Janner with part-Jew David Cameron.

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