Daily Stormer
August 14, 2014

The Jewish rats occupying the United Kingdom are plotting an Exodus to Israel because everyone hates them.
The JC reported conducting a straw poll in which it asked 150 people the following: “Since the protests against the war in Gaza began, have you or your friends had a discussion whether there is a future for Jews in the U.K.? Just over 63 percent answered affirmatively.
Anti-Semitic acts surged in July, as the Community Security Trust, a British anti-Semitism watchdog, recorded 240 incidents alone, which the JC reported as being the second worst month since British records began. Community Security Trust reported 304 incidents for the six months of 2014, up 36 percent over the parallel period last year but far below the 629 incidents recorded January-June 2009 in the wake of Operation Cast Lead.
Several individuals in England and Scotland expressed their worries to the JC, ranging from regret about moving back to Britain from Israel and thoughts about leaving for countries with less tension to a general feeling of being unsafe.
“More than ever, we want to leave to go to Israel,” said Yael Wilk of London.
Yes. Please go home to your promised land. You were never invited here in the first place. Also, take all these immigrants you brought in with you when you go.