Daily Stormer
April 10, 2015

This is going to be shocking, so brace yourselves: the Jews are outraged again.
This time, it is over a suit once worn by NSDAP official Hermann Goering. The suit is going up for auction, but fanatical Jewish crazies are claiming it should be burned instead.
As The Herald reported earlier this week, the outfit is expected to fetch £85,000 at Parade Antiques on the Barbican.The rare dove grey blue service tunic was originally believed to be a replica, but recent analysis has shown it is likely to have been used by the former German commander.
Owner John Cabello said the wear and tear on the uniform helped identify Goering as its original owner – and it is thought to still show his sweat marks.
Jonathan Arkush, vice president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, has branded the sale “repellant”.
“Anything that tends to glorify a regime that was guilty of murder on an industrial scale is absolutely anathema to a civilized society,” he said.
“The owner of this artefact would do us all a favour if he would just burn it.”
Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, senior rabbi to the Movement for Reform Judaism, added: “It will be shown off as an item with an ideological message, the very last one we want to promote as British people who fought the Nazis.”
But Parade Antiques owner John Cabello insisted the item was a reminder of Nazi atrocities and did not glorify them.
“I see both sides of the argument,” he said. “You can see the historical side without being sucked into the political side of it.”
The outfit was made by the Viennese tailor, Tiller, who was known to have made uniforms for the Nazis during the war.
The uniform was believed to have been liberated by the Americans before it found its way into a collection in Switzerland
Mr Cabello bought the uniform at auction from a private museum in Switzerland, and at the time it was believed to be just a display model.
lol @ liberating a uniform.
These Jews are so nutty. They literally wish to erase all memory of the existence of the NSDAP as an actual historical organization which involved real people, and instead leave it as merely a nightmarish cartoon dreamed up by Steven Spielberg.