UK: Jews Wake Up to Find Themselves in Swastika-Land

Sven Longshanks and Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2014

27 cars were painted with swastikas in the Osbaldeston Road area of London on Sunday night.

Jews were crying six million tears again in north London on Monday when they awoke to find 27 cars painted with swastikas around Osbaldeston Road, an area known to be infested with 20,000 of the breed known as Haredi.

The sight of the swastika to a Jew is like garlic to a vampire and residents have been claiming to be ‘shocked and fearful’ and demanding extra patrols by the police.

Yet the graffiti is almost certainly the work of Semites, as the word ‘Zionist’ has been spelt ‘Sionist’ which means this was either done by they themselves, or by their fellow sand-dwellers: the Moslems.

Surely they have nothing to fear from fellow Semites?  After all, they love them so much they brought them all to Europe in the first place!

Thats not the way English people spell the word.

Daily Mail:

The night of vandalism, on Sunday, prompted extra patrols by police officers while the volunteer Shomrim group, which backs policing in the area, also increased its efforts to find those responsible.

One of the volunteers, Meir Taub, told MailOnline: ‘There is a large Jewish community that lives here with Holocaust survivors and children of Holocaust survivors and to see Swastikas is not a pleasant thing for them. People were shocked, scared and fearful.

‘A lot of damage was caused to a lot of vehicles and there was a lot of concern.’

Mr Taub said there had been early incidents in which Swastikas had been daubed on the walls of a local primary school.

The group’s coordinator Barry Bard said: ‘Shomrim are committed to bring a stop to these senseless and mindless acts of vandalism, and are working closely with the Police investigation to assist in every possible way.

Police Inspector Jeoff Bull (NE Neighbourhoods, Hackney) said: ‘We will not tolerate anti-semitism or racism of any kind.

‘We are doing our utmost to trace and bring to justice the suspects involved in this racist graffiti as well as reassure all of our communities.’

This afternoon it was confirmed that a 32-year-old man had been arrested in connection with the vandalism.

Hackney police tweeted: ‘With the help of @ShomrimOfficial a 32 year old man has been arrested & is in custody for the anti Semitic criminal damage series in N16.’

Looks like it’s half-past time to go the hell back to Israel, Jews!  One-way ticket to paradise!

Oh, but maybe you can just shut everything down completely instead.  I know British goyim don’t complain about anything.  Just put everyone in prison who looks at you sideways.

The graffiti comes just in time for Eric Pickles new proposed bill to deal with anti-Semitism.