UK: Kike-Gasser Naz Shah Writes Apology to Jews in Haaretz

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2016

Naz Shah

Woman, even 100% pure Jew soap can’t fix those skin problems. You’d best just give up on that dream

The fat terrorist Naz Shah, who was once celebrated by the Daily Stormer despite her racial inferiority and desire to blow-up buses because she was calling for the total extermination of Jews, has groveled and apologized.

She wrote an article for the Israeli-Jew paper Haaretz, which reads in part:

I have campaigned for race and gender equality all my life. But I realized I had so little understanding of modern anti-Semitism that I had hurt and offended Jewish people.

Just over a year ago, against all the odds, I won my Parliamentary seat in Bradford West in the North of England from the divisive candidate George Galloway. Never did I imagine that I would soon be at the center of an international anti-Semitism story.

When it happened, I wasn’t worried about the media storm, or even my career – what really worried me was knowing I’ve offended people and that I must do the right thing and apologize. I took a long hard look at myself and asked if I – who has campaigned for equality of race and gender my whole life – have so little understanding of modern anti-Semitism that I had hurt and offended Jewish people.

In my first apology (published before my suspension from the UK Labour Party), I made sure it was just that – an apology. I didn’t mention that I already had a meeting scheduled with the All Party Parliamentary Group on British Jews, or that I’d been asked to join the UK Parliamentary group for British Jews. I didn’t talk about my history of work with – not against – the Jewish Leadership Council, or about how I felt my own people – the Muslim community – could learn from Britain’s Jews, who have integrated successfully without losing their identity.

I didn’t even tell people about my (already scheduled) visit to Auschwitz to learn more about the Shoah and its legacy today.


I wonder how long it will be before people start thinking it’s funny that everyone who ever hurts the feelings of Jews is forced to visit Auschwitz as part of their apology tour?

The obvious implication is “you can’t say anything bad about us because that will lead to our extermination.”

But that isn’t really logical, is it?

I mean. If you say the word “nigger,” they don’t make you visit the slavery museum as part of your apology. Nor do they suggest that you’re planning to re-enslave the Blacks.