Daily Stormer
April 23, 2014

The Labour Party are desperate to force sub-standard and inferior judges onto the British people. They are preparing for what they call the ‘nuclear option’ which I presume is so called because of the devastation it will cause to the already corrupt and ineffectual courts.
Instead of judges being picked for their high intelligence and knowledge of law, they want to see them picked on the basis of their race or gender, ‘to reflect the composition of the population’. Regardless of the fact that women think emotionally and not logically and Blacks are a full 15 points lower in IQ than Whites, why do they see it as so important that positions reflect the composition of the population?
The majority of the population are incompetent. Does that mean the majority of judges should also be incompetent? A small portion of the population are mentally disabled, surely they should get a chance to play at being a judge too? But why stop there, a sizable minority of people have criminal records and they already have extensive knowledge of the system.
The whole premise of equal opportunities is flawed and does nothing but punish excellence and reward mediocrity.
From The Guardian:
A Labour government would be prepared to introduce the “nuclear option” of quotas for female and black and ethnic minority judges to avoid a 100-year wait to achieve a judiciary reflecting the composition of the population.
The shadow justice secretary, Sadiq Khan, said reform had slowed to a snail’s pace and called for radical thinking to ensure judges were selected from beyond the “male, white and Oxbridge” world.
Khan, who accused the government of harming progress towards a diverse judiciary with swingeing cuts to the legal aid budget, has appointed Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC and Karon Monaghan QC, two of Britain’s leading progressive lawyers, to “think big” on how to achieve a balanced judiciary. “Nothing is off the table,” he said of the remit.

Khan said: “This is such a big issue that I don’t want Geoffrey and Karon to be afraid to recommend anything.”
Bindman and Monaghan are expected to focus on practical proposals such as introducing a mentoring and talent-spotting scheme to identify talented women and black and minority ethnic (BME) legal figures early on in their career.
But the two QCs will be free to recommend the introduction of positive discrimination along the lines suggested in a speech this year by Lady Hale, the only woman who sits in the supreme court.
Khan believes it is important not to rule out introducing quotas for women and BAME judges as a last resort. “Let us see what Geoffrey and Karon come up with,” one Labour source said. “You would want to keep the option of more radical measures like quotas on the table as a last resort. It would be the nuclear option.”
The introduction of quotas would be controversial because they were rejected by the House of Lords, which in a report in 2012 laid bare the poor representation in the judiciary of women and BME candidates. The committee heard evidence from the association of women solicitors that quotas would send out a message that a candidate had been chosen solely on the basis of gender or race.
But the Lords committee did call for non-mandatory targets after five years if little progress had been made towards a more diverse judiciary. It said 22.3% of judges were women – the fourth lowest rate in Europe – while 5.1% had BME backgrounds.
Khan said radical action was needed because insufficient progress had been made in the two years since the committee’s report was published.
He said: “If we just sit back and do nothing, it’ll take a century for our judges and magistrates to reflect wider society. I’m not prepared to sit by and let things move along at a snail’s pace.
“Too many judges are still drawn from too narrow a background. An overwhelming number are male, white and Oxbridge. People’s differing backgrounds and experiences bring different and rich perspectives that improve their decision-making as judges. If we achieve this it’s my view that we’ll see a dramatic impact on the public confidence in our justice system.”