Daily Stormer
April 8, 2014

Studies have shown that White student doctors in Britain are 4 to 14 times better than the Non-White ones , so the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin are bringing a judicial review against the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the General Medical Council (GMC), to force Britain to employ the substandard Non-White Doctors instead.
From the Independent:
Hundreds of black and Asian doctors have had promising careers “halted” because of racial discrimination in the way GPs are examined, a leading doctor has claimed, before a landmark High Court hearing in which two pillars of the medical establishment will be accused of breaching equality laws.
In a case that could have wide-reaching implications for equality in the NHS workforce, the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (Bapio), is bringing a judicial review against the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), and the General Medical Council (GMC), the doctors’ regulatory body, over claims that the college’s membership exam, the MRCGP, which doctors must pass to practise as GPs in the UK, discriminates against minority ethnic candidates.
Studies show that white candidates are four times more likely to pass the exam first time than minority ethnic candidates trained in the UK, and 14 times more likely than candidates trained overseas. Concerns have focused on the Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA), which includes a mock consultation, with an actor posing as the patient.
Following a six-month review, a British Medical Journal (BMJ) report last year concluded that while there was no hard evidence of racism, “subjective bias owing to racial discrimination” in the marking of the CSA could not be ruled out as a reason for the differences in outcomes. The report also pointed out that there was no way of ascertaining whether the actors themselves behaved differently with non-white candidates.
Dr Ramesh Mehta, president of Bapio, said the CSA had become a block for hundreds of doctors who had received no complaints in three years of training before the final exam.
Bapio is currently supporting 25 east London doctors in employment tribunals related to the exam. Hundreds more are understood to be waiting for the outcome of the judicial review. This could leave the RCGP exposed to damages claims totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds.
“We do not want to compromise the quality of doctors who pass this exam, we want to make sure the best professionals are providing the best professional care. The system of assessment is extremely unfair and has nothing to do with patient care,” Dr Mehta said. “These doctors taking the CSA have already been in training for at least three years, in which time they will have seen at least 3,000 patients. In that time they have regular assessment from trainers, they have passed other examinations, the only block is the CSA, which is three hours of assessment done with actors in the artificial environment of the college building.”

If there was a problem with the exam, then the White students would not be passing it either. This is clearly a case of Non-Whites not being able to make the grade required to be a Doctor.
Nearly one in four doctors registered in the UK qualified outside the EU. One fifth of doctors are of Asian or Asian British ethnicity and 3 per cent of doctors are black or black British, according to the GMC’s figures. The health service has been criticised for failing to elevate black and Asian professionals to the highest ranks within hospitals and commissioning services. A BMJ Careers investigation last year found white doctors were three times more likely to be appointed to senior roles than ethnic-minority doctors.
The RCGP strongly denies allegations the MRCGP is discriminatory. Examiners are trained on equality and diversity issues and actors playing patients in the exam are also trained and monitored to ensure they behave consistently with all candidates.