UK: Leftist Politician Says Riots will Breakout if Immigration Isn’t Curbed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2016


Of course, all talk of immigration in the UK has to be about White immigrants, which are not beneficial to the country but are not that big of a deal in the larger scope of things.

But everyone knows what it’s actually about, even if they’re not saying it.

Huffington Post:

Tensions over immigration could “explode” into riots, Labour MP Rachel Reeves warned today as she described her constituency as a “tinder box”.

The Leeds West MP gave the prediction as she urged her party to listen to people’s concerns over immigration.

Reeves is one of a number of Labour MPs in the past few weeks to call for freedom of movement to be scrapped as part of any Brexit deal between the EU and the UK.

She said that claims she was “Red Ukip” for calling for the change were “really insulting.”

After speaking about the economic impact of the Brexit negotiations at a fringe meeting at Labour conference this afternoon, Reeves said: “The other reason we have got to get this right is because there are bubbling tensions in this country that I just think could explode.

You had those riots in 2011, the riots didn’t happen in Leeds and in my constituency, but if riots started again in Leeds and bits of my constituency – it’s like a tinder box.

Reeves said that since the referendum there had been “three racist attacks” in her constituency – one of which left a Polish man in hospital.

She added: “The trouble is I’m just not surprised and if we don’t get this right in terms of this response, and getting the balance right in terms of the renegotiation but also the deeper seated problems, these sort of things are just going to get worse.

“I worry about the economy and getting the deal right and all the rest of it, but I worry about the divisions in our society. Of course the referendum unleashed some of these feelings, but they are deeper seated as well.”

While Reeves and a growing number of her colleagues want the current free movement rules to be axed, other Labour MPs are defending the principle.

She added: “But they still have concerns, and they are legitimate concerns and we have to talk about them openly and frankly. A former MP said a couple of days ago that myself and a couple of other MPs were now Red Ukip and that was really insulting. I am Labour, I love this party and I love this movement.

Reeves ended with a warning to Labour activists: “If we just say that people are wrong and we want to continue being a member of the European Union and its good for us as a country and those are the facts, we are never going to win an election again and we don’t deserve to.


Brexit was about immigration.

And everyone knows that. It had nothing to do with economics. People voted for less immigration. So to say “oh sure, we’ll leave the EU, but we’re still going to keep allowing all people from everywhere to come live in the country” is utter nonsense.

It is also nonsense to keep reducing immigration itself to economics. Even if mass immigration was a net economic gain – even if it made individual people money – it wouldn’t matter, at all. The effects of immigration are a social issue. They harm society.

And society is not the economy, regardless of what Jews may claim.