UK: Major Explosion in Leicester, Cops Say It’s Not Terrorism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2018

The thing is always to immediately say “not terrorism” before there is any way they could possibly know.

I think this probably isn’t terrorism, because terrorists don’t generally blow-up random residential homes.

But neither do random residential homes generally blow-up in first world countries. Or they did not used to. Nowadays, they do. Because the infrastructure is being maintained by third world immigrants with affirmative action state jobs.


Two people are in critical condition and four others are injured after a large blast destroyed a building in the UK city of Leicester. Police are advising people to avoid the scene of the “major incident.”

“All emergency services are currently dealing with this,” the police force said in a statement, “Please avoid the area.”

Emergency response teams rushed to the scene after the explosion at about 7pm local time. The fire department sent six fire engines to the scene of the large blast which destroyed a convenience store and a home. A local hospital said two patients were in a critical condition and four people had less severe injuries.

A spokeswoman for Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service has confirmed a search and rescue operation is underway.

“This is a search and rescue at the moment,” she said to the Leicester Mercury. “It is unknown if people are injured or trapped.”

Sixty homes have been evacuated as part of the emergency response and roads in the surrounding area have been closed.

“At about 7pm, we heard an absolutely massive explosion,” a witness told the local newspaper. “It was quite frightening. We went to look out of the upstairs windows and saw loads of smoke, and then a few seconds later massive orange flames.”

There are no indications the explosion is linked to terrorism, the police said on Twitter. A spokesperson for gas network operator Cadent said the cause of the blast is yet unknown.

It doesn’t look like a high-casualty disaster.

But understand: this stuff wouldn’t be happening at all if it were not for the replacement of our people with the scum of the shithole third world. We are witnessing, in real time, everything in our society stop functioning properly.