UK: Man Questioned By Police For Liking Anti-Tranny Poem on Twitter

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2019

There is a massive difference between Sweden and the UK that goes unappreciated in our circles.

Sweden is a dystopia because of grass-roots mass insanity, mostly concentrated in the womyn-folk.

New Minister of Culture in Sweden

The UK, on the other hand, is straight up Orwellian top-down police-enforced dystopia.

Sweden is fun to write about because they’re so earnest in their insanity that you can’t help but chuckle at how retarded their whole country is.

But again, different feeling with the UK. 

Shit’s legit getting scary over there.

A man said he was questioned by police for over 30 minutes after he liked a tweet that appears to mock the transgender community. Harry Miller, who believes ‘trans women are not women’, says the formal probe by Humberside Police was into his ‘thinking’ and his reasons for liking the limerick on Twitter. The limerick referred to trans women as ‘stupid’ and made comments about vaginas and ‘synthetic’ hormones. Harry Miller said police wanted to know his ‘thinking’ for liking the limerick on Twitter. Mr Miller, who used to be a policeman, says an officer told him he was investigating reports of a hate crime. ‘Cop said he was in possession of 30 tweets by me,’ he recalled on Twitter.

I hope to God he had a license for all those tweets.

‘I asked if any contained criminal material. He said “No.” ‘I asked if any came close to being criminal and he read me a limerick. Honestly. A limerick. A cop read me a limerick over the phone.’ After telling the PC he did not write the limerick, he reportedly said: ‘Ah. But you liked it and promoted it.’

Drum roll, please!

The dirty poem in question: 

You’re a man.

Your breasts are made of silicone

Your vagina goes nowhere

And we can tell the difference

Even when you are not there

Your hormones are synthetic

And lets just cross this bridge

What you have you stupid man

Is male privilege.

You’re a man, you’re a man

We can say it, yes we can

That you’ll never be a woman

Even if that is your plan

Every cell is coded male

From your birth until the grave

You are simply a man

Neither stunning nor brave

Your penis isn’t womanly

Your wig is poorly made

Your idea of womanhood

Just doesn’t make the grade

You think we are just caricatures

Or porn tropes for your use

You pretend that you can be us

But it’s merely more abuse

Your great big hands and manly head

Are difficult to hide

A hand in front of Adam’s fruit

Proof does not provide

That you have changed your actual sex

Because your brain is pink

It’s laughable to those of us

Who can actually think.

Hey, it’s not my cuppa of tea, but to each his own. I too am baffled by the tranny phenomenon, however, I don’t feel the urge to express it in poetry.

That being said, I support the right of the poet to write the poem bashing trannies and I support the right of UKistani citizens to read and “like” and possibly even retweet the poem – provided they fill out the proper paperwork, of course.

Harry said the conversation turned ‘incredibly sinister’ as the officer tried to probe his ‘thinking’. He said: ‘The cop told me that he needed to speak with me because, even though I’d committed no crime whatsoever, he needed (and I quote) “to check my THINKING!” Seriously. Honestly. ‘Finally, he lectured me. Said, “Sometimes, a woman’s brain grows a man’s body in the womb and that is what transgender is.” You can imagine my response. ‘Lastly, he told me that I needed to watch my words more carefully or I was at risk of being sacked by the company for hate speech.’ Harry says he is actually the chairman of his company and later told The Spectator how the incident made him feel like a ‘criminal’.

Have you ever considered that sometimes you need to make people believe in complete nonsense to really test their loyalty to the system?

See, anyone can believe in logical, common sense things. The real test of a good citizen is whether or not he’s willing to believe in something inane and downright disturbing.

I find it hard to believe that there are still Ukistanis who haven’t picked up the cues yet and adjusted their behavior accordingly.

Also – why was he even having this conversation about where trannies come from with the copper in the first place? 

He should have taken this guy’s approach instead.

And actually, upon further discovery, there’s more to this story. From another source.

LifeSite News:

Miller first realized police were hunting for him when his company’s bosses let him know that officers had shown up looking for him, as the anonymous complainant had apparently managed to figure out where Miller worked despite the fact that information about his employment or actual identity are not on his Twitter account. The complainant apparently also told the police that Miller’s workplace was an “unsafe environment” for transgender people due to Miller’s track record of tweets.

The police confirmed to the Telegraph that they had met with Miller, with the officer who initiated the meeting noting that, “Although none of the tweets were criminal, I said to Mr. Miller that the limerick is the kind of thing that upsets the transgender community. I warned him that if it escalates we will have to take further action.”

This man almost triggered a nationwide manhunt. He still might. The police are threatening to take “further action” and presumably haul him away.

If the two words that come out of your mouth when you see this image are anything other than “stunning” and “brave,” you have to go to prison.