UK: Man Snaps and Stabs Thot to Death

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2018

A very good looking couple is in the news. Instead of settling down and contributing beautiful children to the world, the female half woke up one day and decided she’d rather be a coke whore.

This is a story most Millennial men are sadly familiar with.

We want love, children and families, yet today’s women don’t want it until they’ve racked up enough notches to fit around their expanding gut.

But what happened next I cannot condone [Editor’s Note: I can. -AA].

The betrayed man stalked the woman then stabbed her to death. There’s thot patrolling, but this is brutality.

This is now the number one news story in Britain, obviously because the culprit is white. Places like London and Manchester are infested with violent immigrant crime (including rape and murder), but that’s not politically correct to talk about.

I haven’t looked through all of it, but I’m sure there’s lots of long op-eds about the problem of “white toxic masculinity” and how women who feel no respect, love or accountability towards men they choose to get into relationships with are the real victim.

The Sun:

A STUDENT was stabbed to death by her ex seven minutes after messaging pals: “Feel like I’m looking over my shoulder all the time,” a jury heard yesterday.

Molly McLaren, 23, sent the WhatsApp text after Joshua Stimpson tracked her down at her gym, the court was told.

Stimpson, who had two knives and a pickaxe in his bag, put his exercise mat near hers in the empty studio on June 29 last year, jurors heard.

A jury has been shown a blood-soaked Asda knife which it is claimed Molly was stabbed to death with by “manipulative and nasty” Stimpson.

The 23-year-old was sitting in her Citroen car at the busy Chatham Dockside Outlet in Kent when Stimpson repeatedly knifed her in the neck and head just after 11am on June 29 last year, the court heard.

Police allege that a witness to the attack, Benjamin Morton, tried to pull the 26-year-old off Molly as she screamed.

Asked about whether he had been experiencing any difficulties with his thoughts, he allegedly said: “I must have or I wouldn’t have done this.”

At the start of the trial at Maidstone Crown Court in Kent today, prosecutor Philip Bennetts QC told the jury of seven men and five women: “The defendant has pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the basis that at the time of the killing he was suffering from diminished responsibility.

“The prosecution do not accept that he was. Psychiatrists will be called by the defence and prosecution to assist you in determining whether he was or was not suffering from diminished responsibility.

“A psychiatrist for the prosecution is clearly of the opinion that this defendant was not.”

The court heard Molly and Stimpson started dating in November 2016 after meeting through Tinder but briefly split four months later.

Stimpson was described as ‘rather demanding’ with Molly often trying to ‘put things right’. He himself said he had ‘intense emotions’.

She finally ended the relationship for good on June 17, just 12 days before she died.

In the intervening days the window firm warehouse worker began posting derogatory comments and photos about the part-time barmaid on Facebook, it is alleged.

These included lies about her using cocaine and he tagged people so that all her family could see.

Molly reported the posts to police on June 22. Stimpson, of High Street Wouldham, near Rochester, Kent, was spoken to but it allegedly continued.

The previous day Molly had told a relative she feared he would hurt her.

Describing him as “manipulative and turning nasty”, she allegedly told the relative: “I am actually scared about what he might do.

“I’m scared he might hurt me. I don’t know how on edge he is.”

Mr Bennetts said Stimpson “may or may not” have also been stalking Molly after their break-up, but he did begin to follow her.

I know a coke slut when I see one, and this guy wasn’t lying.

Here’s what really happened: she started ghosting and flaking this dude to bang drug dealers in night club bathrooms, he’s emotionally unhinged, so he started stalking her until he saw something that made him flip out.

You have to be emotionally and mentally tough to navigate this modern world. No men in all of human history have had to live through something like this.

It’s a myth that this is unique to ugly, loser or even weak men. Most men can at least process their surroundings, become jaded and callous, then enjoy the entertainment value of being man-whores while it lasts.

But certain more sensitive types simply lose their minds. Usually it manifests in alcohol abuse and sterile disposable sexual relationships, but in extreme cases it can result in violence. Millennial women are monsters, but lashing out like this only makes the problem worse.

The court would be sympathetic if he was a Pakistani, but because of his race, they will not even entertain the thought of him losing his mind in a fit of passion. The Queen is going to give him whatever the British equivalent of the chair is for this egregious overreaction to hypergamy and feminism.

You’re supposed to sit there and take it like a good cuck, because it’s specifically engineered by Jews to cause a below replacement white birth rate.

On the bright side for Mr. Stimpson, he will now get thousands of fawning marriage proposals from female admirers as a handsome and famous murderer.

This is how the world works when women are given all the power. The only thing reliable about this dynamic is that it helps destroy society.

Welcome to the United Clowndom!