UK: Man with “Tanned Complexion” Rapes 14-Year-Old Near Shopping Center

According to Katie Hopkins, the man above is responsible.

So “tanned” is definitely a fair description of him.

Quite a sunbather, this one.

The Sun:

A teenage girl was raped on New Year’s Day near a Burnley shopping centre.

Cops are probing the attack on the 14-year-old girl, which happened yesterday morning.

She was approached by a man near some steps at Charter Walk car park at 9am.

He is said to have been in his 30s or 40s, with short dark curly hair, a tanned complexion and a short beard.

The alleged attacker was wearing dark clothing and is thought to have left the shopping centre area in the direction of Church Street.

Detective Inspector Tim McDermott said: “We would like to reassure the public that incidents of this type are rare and we have a number of officers working on the enquiry.

“The girl is being supported by specially trained officers and I would appeal to anyone who was in that area this morning and saw anything they think relevant to contact us immediately.”

“Tanned complexion” might be the first great meme of 2019.