UK: Mayoress May be Charged with a Crime for Speaking on White Genocide in South Africa

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
July 4, 2016


Councillor Heather Venter, a former mayoress of Driffield in Yorkshire, England, is being called a “racist” and a “nazi” by online media, as well as a left-wing politician seeking criminal charges for several messages she wrote on Twitter.

One of her tweets that she is being attacked for is a link to an article titled “White South Africans march in London against White genocide.

Genocide Watch, an independent watchdog established by Doctor Gregory H. Stanton, has warned of genocide against White South Africans.

Since the end of apartheid, more than 70 thousand White South Africans have been brutally murdered, tortured, and raped at an alarming rate by Black perpetrators, with no obvious motives behind the crimes.

Even more shocking is that several members of South Africa’s government have sung “kill the boer.” Boers are White South African people of Dutch descent.

George McManus, a member of the Beverley and Holderness Labour Party says that Cll Venter’s tweets and liked posts are “designed to cause offense.

I intend to ask Humberside Police to consider whether or not they constitute an offense under section 127(1) of the 2003 Communications Act” he said.

Cll Venter responded to these attacks with: “I lived in South Africa. There was a protest, a march in London, about White genocide, because farmers are getting murdered every week.

It beggars belief I have 59,800 likes – doesn’t it make you think it is a concerted effort to get at me?

It’s all over Facebook apparently. It said I was a Nazi and I should be made to resign.

I could ask the police whether it is an offence that someone local has said I am a Nazi. It’s a two way thing. I could be accusing them of libel, assassination of character. I just find it all pathetic.

There you have it. An innocent woman is attacked for standing up for her beliefs.

If she were to call out the genocide of say, Australian Aboriginals or Armenians, she would not have been attacked as a part of a petty political pointscoring game.

But because the people being genocided happen to be White, it is “offensive”, “racist”, and “nazi” to speak out and oppose it like all decent people should.

McManus has shown the ugly nature of his character by attacking an elderly woman who opposes the White genocide of South African Boers.

In Britain in late 2015, a “diversity officer” at a London university tweeted “#KillAllWhiteMen” several times. These messages were not considered to be “offensive” by British courts.

There is certainly a clear anti-White double standard when it comes to the UK’s “offense” laws.