UK: MigrationWatch Blames BBC and Lack of Funds for Government’s Utter Failure to Stop the Invasion

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
February 14, 2015

Migration Watch director Lord Green, pictured, wants David Cameron to introduce specific targets to reduce migration from outside the European Union following the publication of today’s report.

If anyone is still in doubt over whether Britain is occupied by a hostile foreign force, just take a look at the figures for border defence and foreign aid. Six times the amount of money spent on defending the border is being given away in tribute to foreign nations!

At the same time, our media is continually celebrating the fact we are being invaded and is constantly trying to shame us into accepting even more of the genetically incompatible into our base.

These two issues have been identified by MigrationWatch as key reasons why the government has failed to cut immigration, but they are really just symptoms of the problem.

The problem being that we have a terminal infestation of Jews at the very top of our society and establishment.

Migration Watch today claimed a shortage of resources was the main reason the Conservative Party failed in its attempt to cut net migration and remove the turd world savages from Britain.

Daily Mail:

Efforts to control mass immigration are being held back by a ‘clearly inadequate’ budget and the institutional bias of the BBC, a report warns today.

The Government dedicates just 0.25 per cent – or £1.8billion – of its annual expenditure to securing Britain’s borders and removing illegal immigrants and foreign criminals.

Incredibly, this is six times less than the estimated £12billion budget for overseas aid.

In an audit released today, campaign group MigrationWatch said the shortage of resources was a key reason why the Tories have failed to hit their target to cut net migration to the ‘tens of thousands’. While the number of migrants arriving in the UK has increased sharply, the number of non-EU immigrants being removed has stayed flat at around 100,000 every year.

In part, this is because border guards do not have the capacity to track down, for example, foreign students, many of whom stay on illegally when their course has finished.

The report warns: ‘It is clear the very limited resources devoted to immigration are seriously out of kilter with the very serious consequences for our society of continued mass immigration and the associated level of public concern.’

The think-tank also blamed the pressure put on Westminster by liberals to continue a policy of large-scale immigration.

It said there is ‘a strong bias in the BBC in favour of immigration, combined with a reluctance even to address the case for reducing immigration’.

It also warns of the ‘pro-immigration bias of parts of the Civil Service’ and ‘continued Treasury enthusiasm for GDP growth, irrespective of the impact of immigration on population growth and on the lower paid’.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler talks about how these Jews will, when cornered, admit their arguments are wrong, and then come back the next day with the same argument, as if they had never admitted it was wrong.  That is exactly what we see with immigration.  First they told us it was economically beneficial, then they admitted in every White country it was costing us billions upon billions to bring all of these apes into our base.  Now, they are just back on this “oh it’s good for the economy and we must replace the population.

If it is all about funds, then surely it would be a lot cheaper and easier just to torpedo them?

Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.