Sheep at the Simply Halal abattoir in Banham were still fighting for their lives, even after having their throats cut, before being strung up.
The latest unsavoury Mohammedan practice to be exposed by the mainstream media is the widespread acceptance of Halal slaughtered meat being sold in supermarkets. The reasoning for this being because it saves the supermarkets money, as ‘the meat can be eaten by Muslims and non-Muslims’.
I have been hearing this all day on the news and not one person has pointed out that no observant Christian would ever want to eat it, as it has been dedicated to a foreign god. It is food that has been set before idols. To say that Halal food can be eaten by anyone shows a total disrespect for practicing Christians and not one talking head has even brought this point up.
The whole debate has been about whether or not Halal slaughter causes the animals distress. Well on top of the animal’s distress what about the Christians distress, when they hear that they have been eating food that has been sacrificed to the desert god of an alien race for the last decade? The idea does not even seem to have crossed the media pundits minds. Perhaps they are hoping that if they don’t mention it Christians wont either.
1 Corinthians ch 10 v 28
‘But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof’
Supermarkets that deceive you into eating meat that has been sacrificed to idols whilst being slaughtered in an inhumane fashion.
Supermarkets and restaurant chains face being forced to label food containing halal meat as a row grew over millions of customers being left in the dark about what they are eating.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg today demanded better labelling using a designated logo, but insisted he was happy to eat a halal pizza.
MPs could use a debate on new consumer legislation next week to force a change in the law, after it emerged ore than 70 per cent of all New Zealand lamb in supermarkets is from halal abattoirs – a fact not stated on labelling.
Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Waitrose and Marks & Spencer all confirmed they sell the imported meat.
The switch to slaughtering animals in line with Islamic ritual saves money because the end product can be eaten by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
David Cameron refused to intervene on the issue. His spokesman said: ‘The Prime Minister’s view is that it is an issue of consumer choice and consumer information.
‘So it is a matter for retailers and restaurants to work with customers and consumer groups and representatives of faith organisations.’
But Mr Clegg said: ‘It is a question of labelling. I think there should be more information.’
The Deputy Prime Minister said he has ‘absolutely no problem with eating a pizza with halal meat on it at all.’
And Commons Leader Andrew Lansley told MPs that a debate on the Consumer Rights Bill next week could be used to address public concerns.
He said the legislation was focused ‘giving consumers not only rights but information on which they can base their purchasing decisions.’
It also emerged that all chicken served by Pizza Express is halal – something made clear only on the company’s website.
Chains including Domino’s, GBK, Nando’s, KFC, Ask and Slug & Lettuce use halal meat in some dishes, mainly chicken, and locations.
When contacted by the Mail yesterday, many of the restaurants were reluctant to discuss the issue. Only Subway and KFC overtly label halal meat products on their menus.
Restaurants that hate Christians and animal lovers.