UK Minister: “Germany has the Potential to Become the Greatest ATM in Global Gistory”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2016


It’s a funny way to say something.

Global history doesn’t have a lot of great ATMs.

But the point is taken.


Germany risks becoming the “greatest ATM machine” in history as a result of Brexit, the UK’s trade minister has warned. He said Berlin may be left to pay for a failing European Union which is in danger of collapse.

“If I were a German politician I would be worried that, without Britain, Germany has the potential to become the greatest ATM in global history,” Liam Fox, who served as a pro-Brexit campaigner during the referendum, told the Spectator magazine.

He noted that once Britain – the European Union’s second-largest economy – leaves the bloc, Berlin will have lost a key ally in enforcing “economic rigor.” As a result, it could end up paying for other EU nations.

Fox also said the bloc is facing the risk of “implosion.”

“The architecture is beginning to peel away,” he said.

“It’s going to sacrifice at least one generation of young Europeans on the altar of the single currency, and you can only rip out the social fabric from so much of Europe before it starts imploding.”

Fox did, however, admit that Britain has its own work to do after leaving the EU, stressing that it needs to reform in order to boost its economy.

“We’ve just now got to probe all the areas where we could be making changes,” he said.

“Government, the financial sector, culture, all of them will have to play a part.”

The EU is beginning to be viewed as a failed experiment.

Of course, we know that it wasn’t an experiment, but a plot.

And yes. They will suck money from the German people to pay for Eastern European governments while German corporations are sucking money from Eastern European people. It’s a gigantic scam, on every level.