Daily Mail
March 10, 2014

A Muslim headmistress told last night how she was driven out of her job by extremists bent on taking over state schools.
Her school is one of 12 apparently targeted by Islamic fundamentalists in a plot dating back two decades.
In a letter seen by the Mail, a fanatic brags about enlisting four radical parents to help oust her in 1993.
She said: ‘I was the victim of a pernicious, well-orchestrated smear campaign I have never been able to recover from.
‘People need to know this is a dangerous, well-organised and sinister group who have the capacity to destroy. They are producing fear in society and playing on paranoia. They are extremely powerful.’
The 69-year-old believes she was seen as an enemy because she was too moderate a Muslim. She was confronted with a number of allegations, including one of financial mismanagement.
Despite protesting her innocence her dismissal followed in 1994.

She added: ‘I was involved in a campaign so nasty that, since I lost the headship, I’ve never been able to raise my head above the parapet.
‘I was shocked to read this letter after 20 years and I am genuinely scared by it.’
Details of the extraordinary plot, which have been referred to the police, emerged on Friday after the letter was passed to Birmingham Council and a number of newspapers.
The unnamed author admits making false claims against several teachers in Birmingham in order to oust them.
The document discusses extending the ‘jihad’ operation to Bradford and Manchester – cities with fast growing Muslim populations.
The letter identifies specific schools as targets and names heads it claims to have ousted through dirty tricks campaigns, forged resignation letters and false allegations of cheating and financial irregularities.
It claims the former head of Birmingham’s Regents Park Primary, Tina Ireland, was forced to resign after the group ‘planted the seed’ that she was encouraging pupils to cheat in exams.