UK: Moslem Gets 28 Years for Ackbaring Dancefloor with 4×4 of Peace

Mohammed Abdul.

Imagine being the immigration officer who checked this guy’s documents and said, “W-welcome to Britain, sir!”

Daily Mail:

Police have revealed the Suzuki 4×4 a vengeful clubber used to plough onto a crowded dancefloor in a ‘mass murder’ bid after he had been thrown out by doormen was stolen and littered with alcohol and cannabis.

Mohammed Abdul, jailed for 28 years today for two counts of attempted murder in relation to revellers and staff at Blake’s in Gravesend, Kent, was told by a judge this morning he was ‘enraged and humiliated’ and that his motive to kill innocent people that night was ‘selfish and pathetic’

The 21-year-old had threatened bouncers ‘I’m going to come back and shut this place down and kill you guys’ as he was being ejected on Saturday, March 17 last year for being drunk.

Claiming later to have smoked five cannabis joints and drunk up to 15 vodka mixers, plus tequila shots, Kenyan-born Abdul returned within 10 minutes in the stolen Suzuki Vitara, telling doormen ‘I told you I’d be back’.

The provisional licence holder then manoeuvred the car into a narrow alleyway at the side of the main club building before smashing through closed metal gates and accelerating into a marquee area at the rear. Clubbers were sent sprawling ‘like dominoes’ on impact, Maidstone Crown Court was told.

Eight people were injured, two seriously, on being struck by the Vitara or in the resulting panic and crush.