UK: Moslem Walks Free from Court After Having Groomed a 15-Year-Old Girl for Sex Trafficking

Daily Stormer
March 19, 2015

Racists say they hate him because he abuses underage girls.  The real reason they hate him is because of his skin color.
Racists say they hate him because he abuses underage girls. The real reason they hate him is because of his skin color.

How are you goyim really so dense as to be incapable of realizing that it would have been pure hatred to punish this vibrant enricher for simply doing the enrichment on a worthless little White girl?


A VIRGIN dope-smoking supporter of hate preacher Anjem Choudary who tried to convert a 15-year-old schoolgirl to Islam before grooming her for sex on Facebook has walked free from court.

Mansoor Miah, of Kilburn, north-west London, asked the teenager to meet him for sex at a Kent hotel in November 2013 after first making contact with her on the Nintendo DS handheld gaming system.

The 22-year-old, who worked as a sales assistant at Tesco in Brent Cross, also sent lewd photographs to the youngster and pleasured himself while talking to the teen.

However, Southwark Crown Court heard the schoolgirl had a history of exchanging explicit images with men on Facebook and had had her laptop confiscated by her mother before she started talking to Miah on her DS.

Miah retweeted several messages from Choudary including one just three days before his arrest on June 25 last year, which begins: ‘Which Muslim wouldn’t want to live in the Khilafah, ie Islamic ruling system…’.

However, Miah never met Choudary, merely following him on Twitter.

Today judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith sentenced Miah to 16 months in jail suspended for two years as well as a two year treatment programme.

He described him as an “immature” young man whose crime was a “one off”.

He said: “The prison sentence marks the seriousness of what you did. The course of treatment ensures it will not happen again and protects other young girls.

“The victim was just 15 and was young for her age, her mother said she was vulnerable and not streetwise.

“She had previously taken part in sexual chat with men online and her mother took away her Facebook access.

“She set up another Facebook account on her brother’s Nintendo DS under a false name and claimed to be living in LA.