Daily Mail
March 17, 2014

A mother who complained about her 14-year-old daughter studying a play containing 400 swear words has suffered a torrent of foul-mouthed abuse – from teachers.
Geraldine Stockford expressed dismay on Mumsnet after finding her daughter Anna was studying the gritty drama Mogadishu – which contains 218 uses of the F-word and ten of the C-word – as part of her GCSE drama course.
Mrs Stockford, 52, a former social worker, is running a petition to get the Government to put age controls on exposing pupils to swearing as her daughter had felt uncomfortable in classes at Teddington School in Richmond, West London. Former pupils there include actors Keira Knightley and Sean Pertwee.

Education Secretary Michael Gove has said he shares her concerns.
But one Mumsnet user, who claimed to be a teacher, responded: ‘Censorship – that’s what you want. So you can impose your middle- England, white, middle-class values on a world that no longer exists.
‘As a teacher, I will say very bluntly how sick and f****** tired I am of parents like you who think they are experts on all f****** areas of the curriculum.’
Another said: ‘This really, really p***** me off . . . I teach and have had half-***ed complaints from parents on occasion . . . What really boils my p*** is people having opinions about things they haven’t even read and certainly don’t understand.’