UK: MP Tells People to Stop Being So Sentimental About Refugees

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2017

Finally, the people are beginning to resist the Jew sentimentality machine.

At long last.


A Tory MP has told critics of the government’s decision to scrap its child refugee resettlement scheme to “stop being so sentimental.”

Pauline Latham, the MP for Mid Derbyshire, stood by the government’s claim that the scheme, known as the Dubs Amendment, would act as “pull factor” and encourage more refugees to come to Europe.

She claimed that government was instead doing the “best thing” by pushing to keep refugees in their home region.

“We should stop being so sentimental and be looking at what [is] the best thing to do for these families and children and that is keep them in the region,” she told MPs during an emergency House of Commons debate over the scrapping of the Dubs amendment.

Latham also said that people who have already fled to Europe are safe in their present countries, insisting France is not “Nazi Germany.”

“These children are not under threat of murder, they are in safe countries, [and] the governments [of those countries] should be dealing with [them],” Latham said.

If France is “rat-infested,” it has nothing to do with Britain, she added, further blaming the Greek government for allowing poor conditions its camps.

“Whose fault is that? That’s Greece’s fault,” she said.

Latham later said her comments were “misconstrued” and a “poor choice of words.”

The entire kike system is based on an exploitation of feminine, childlike emotionality to create a dictatorship of feelings.

The first step to dealing with this is saying “oh come on.”