UK: MP was Attacked for Saying Pakis Shouldn’t be Allowed to Rape Kids

Daily Stormer
February 8, 2016

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No one could have predicted it.

Except the guy who predicted it.

But he was just a dirty racist.


An MP who claims he was “castigated” after warning parliament about organised sex abuse gangs has welcomed the jail sentence of 12 men who exploited a vulnerable schoolgirl.

Conservative Kris Hopkins, MP for Keighley and Ilkley, spoke out after 12 Asian men were sentenced for up to 20 years on Monday for grooming and abusing a vulnerable teenager for their own “selfish, sexual gratification”.

The men, all from West Yorkshire, abused or sexually assaulted the girl – aged 13 and 14 at the time – in encounters arranged by a violent drug dealer over a period of 13 months between 2011 and 2012.

On one occasion, the girl was gang-raped by five of the defendants.

Some of the abuse took place in an underground car park where there was graffiti with the victim’s name and the word ‘corner’ daubed on the wall.

Bradford Crown Court heard the men treated the girl as though she was “utterly worthless”.

Two of the men also received sentences for offences against other victims.

  • Khalid Raja Mahmood, 34, received a 17-year extended sentence for two charges of rape and three of sexual activity with a child. The sentences includes a jail term of 13.5 years and an extended licence period of three-and-a-half years. He is currently serving an eight-year jail sentence for raping a woman in a park in Keighley and trying to abduct a 10-year-old girl as she played on a scooter near her home.
  • Tauqeer Hussain, 23, of Belgrave Road, Keighley, was jailed for a total of 18 years for two counts of rape against the first victim and one against another teenage girl.
  • Yasser Kabir, 25, of Belgrave Road, Keighley, was jailed for a total of 20 years for three counts of rape against the first victim and four charges of rape, two charges of sexual assault, two charges of assault by penetration and four charges of causing a child to engage in sexual activity against two young girls.
  • Sufyan Ziarab, 23, of Kendall Mellor Court, Keighley, was jailed for 15 years for two counts of rape.
  • Bilal Ziarab, 21, of Sedgwick Close, Bradford, was jailed for 12 years for two counts of rape.
  • Israr Ali, 19, of Devonshire Street West, Keighley, was sentenced to three-and-half-years in a young offenders’ institution for one count of rape.
  • Nasir Khan, 24, of Buxton Street, Keighley, was jailed for 13 years for one count of rape.
  • Saqib Younis, 29, of Bradford Street, Keighley, was jailed for 13 years for one count of rape.
  • Hussain Sardar, 19, of Bradford Street, Keighley, was sentenced to six years in a young offenders’ institution for one count of rape.
  • Zain Ali, 20, of Buxton Street, Keighley, was sentenced to eight years in a young offenders’ institution for one count of rape.
  • Faisal Khan, 27, of Buxton Street, Keighley, was jailed for 13 years for one count of rape.
  • Mohammed Akram, 63, of Holker Street, Keighley, was jailed for five years for one count of sexual activity with a child.