Muslims make up just under 5% of the UK population, yet they make up 27% of the prison population. That means they are 5 times more likely to commit violent crime than the rest of the population.
Muslims committing crimes and being sent to jail is all due to Islamophobia – not their propensity to crime.
Get real! As if they are sent to jail without any trial or investigation whether a crime was actually committed.
Why not teach them from childhood onwards to not be antagonistic against non-Muslims and society in general? Were the young victims of sex slavery Islamophobic? Were the honor murder victims Islamophobic? Were the victims of all their drug peddling Islamophobic? Are people all over the world Islamophobic or why are Muslims always the most dominant group on crimes in society no matter where they go? Are all French people Islamophobic because their prisons are dominated by 70%+ Muslims? And the Spanish with over 60% Muslim prison population is Islamophobic? Or could it be their own conduct and upbringing and the doctrines of the Quran, that legalizes their crimes in non-Muslim societies that is the actual cause?
Always the victims. Amongst Muslims there doesn’t seem to exist any conscience whatsoever or personal responsibility.
In this BBC video interview [Sunday politics] with Andre Neil [6:30] however, when Sadiq Khan discusses other non-Muslim criminals, he insists that burglars must go to prison and criminals should be deported. So why are the Muslim prisoners not deported? Are there supposed to be Islamophobia excuses for Muslims and lenience, while others must be deported and jailed? And since many burglars do not go to prison in the UK, there would be even more Muslims in prison should they be properly punished.
Sadiq Khan making excuses for Muslim criminals and calling for a costly public inquiry to place the blame on White racism, rather than on the Non-Whites obvious liking for committing violent crimes.
More than a quarter of London’s prison population are Muslims, prompting urgent calls for an inquiry into what is happening in the justice system.
Official figures have revealed that record levels of Muslim people are serving jail sentences and that the numbers are still growing. Across England and Wales the proportion has risen from eight per cent a decade ago to 14 per cent now.
In London, the figure is an “astonishing” 27 per cent, which is more than double the 12 per cent of the capital’s population who are Muslim. In two prisons, Feltham and Isis, a third of the inmates were Muslim.
The data was obtained by Sadiq Khan, the lawyer and shadow justice secretary who is himself a Muslim. He told the Evening Standard that an inquiry was vital to explain why the increase is happening.
“What’s really worrying is the rise, year after year, in the number of Muslims behind bars,” he said, adding: “We need to know why that’s the case if we’re to stop this rising further, reduce crime and prevent people needlessly becoming victims.”
Half of the top 10 prisons with the highest Muslim populations are in London, including Belmarsh, where the percentage has risen since 2010 from 19 to 29 per cent, Brixton (24 per cent), Pentonville (28 per cent), Thameside (25 per cent) and Wormwood Scrubs (27 per cent).
Mr Khan accused the Government of sitting on its hands after a 2010 call by the Chief Inspector of Prisons for a National Strategy to deal with the growing numbers of Muslims behind bars.
He said: “Four years on and ministers have ignored this call. The Government is utterly clueless about what to do about this growing problem. This is a waste of human talent and a huge drain on the hard-pressed taxpayer.”
Higher offending rates is only one of many possible reasons why the prison population is higher for some groups of the population. Other explanations could be that Muslims are more frequently caught and prosecuted, or sentenced to longer prison terms compared with other offenders.
A Prison Service spokesperson said: “We have already implemented many of the recommendations from the 2010 report.”
Never forget who is to blame for bringing all these walking crimes just waiting to happen, into our countries.