Daily Stormer
June 10, 2014

National Action have managed to make it into the mainstream press with their latest flash demo in Liverpool. For a small group of activists like them, this is very good news, as it gets the group’s name seen by a wide variety of different people, many of whom may be sympathetic to the cause, but previously unaware of them.
The Mirror appear to be misquoting them, but even if they haven’t, at least it will get people wondering why educated people like them feel so strongly about immigrants and Jews.

From the Mirror:
The Sunday Mirror today exposes the ugly face of a dangerous far-right group hellbent on spreading race hate across Britain.
And we can reveal anti-terror police are monitoring several members of the National Action group, which on Saturday held a demo at a city centre train station.
Our probe unmasks Hitler fanatic Benjamin Raymond as a leader of National Action – an organisation riding a tide of support for ultra right-wing parties in Europe.
In one internet post, the 25-year-old spells out his vile beliefs writing: “There are non-whites and Jews in my country who all need to be exterminated. As a teenager, Mein Kampf changed my life. I am not ashamed to say I love Hitler.”
Particularly worrying to security services, is Raymond’s and fellow leader Alex Davies’ deliberate targeting of young and vulnerable students as potential new recruits over the past year.
National Action posters have been found at a dozen UK universities.
On Saturday, Davies, 19, led the demo outside Lime Street station in Liverpool.
Supported by about 20 members grasping banners and flags, he spat: “We’re like the BNP but more radical.”
Much of his – at times incoherent – speech over a megaphone attacked globalisation and banks.
After barracking from angry members of the public, the mood darkened and a dozen police officers ordered him to stop and moved the group on.
He and the group then handed out National Action leaflets which read: “Cleanse Britain of parasites. The white man is on the march – white power.”

Raymond and Davies are seen as dangerous fanatics who admit they are ready to use extreme means to “rid the UK of Jews and non-whites”.
Scotland Yard’s anti-terror squad fears the spreading of their extreme vitriol threatens to undermine national security.
One spook source admitted the pair’s actions left them “very concerned”.
And Gerry Gable, editor of anti-fascist publication Searchlight, revealed: “I worry about National Action because they have much more going for them than the BNP or National Front could ever produce, touring universities and education establishments.”
Former Labour Europe minister and long-time campaigner against anti-Semitism, Denis MacShane, said: “This Sunday Mirror investigation is a wake-up call to those who think anti-Semitism doesn’t exist on university campuses.”
Davies is fiercely protective of his true identity, but after weeks of exchanging emails our investigator – posing as an anti-Semitic student interested in joining up – spoke to him on Skype on Friday.
Davies told us: “I don’t want to say what I’d like to do to Jews – it’s too extreme.”
Disturbingly, he claims he is even ready to go to jail for his warped beliefs, saying: “If we can stay out of prison we will.
“But you have to consider race-hate laws. They’re quite ambiguous, so it is possible some of us would go to prison. But we’re prepared for that.”
He has also called for a return of the notorious Section 28 legislation that banned the “promotion” of homosexuality in schools.
National Action’s slick website is openly racist with anti-Semitic imagery and lengthy quotations by Adolf Hitler. Its motto is “For a Free White Britain”. The site insists on Fight Club-style rules, telling members: “You do not talk about National Action. Keeping your mouth shut is a valuable life skill.”