UK Needs Immigrants to Build Homes for Immigrants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 14, 2015

Obiju Bob the Builder: After he builds the house he breaks in and rapes and murders whoever's living there.
Obiju Bob the Builder: After he builds the house he breaks in and rapes and murders whoever’s living there.

The thing with immigrant is both that the more of them you have the more of them you have and the more of them you have the more of them you need.

Or something.

The Telegraph:

The housebuilding industry needs to recruit one million more construction workers in the next five years if Britain is to stand a chance of tackling the housing crisis, according to a new report.

Some 700,000 new workers are needed by 2020 just to replace the large number of those retiring at a time when the UK is facing a chronic shortage of homes for its burgeoning population, says E C Harris, a building consultancy.

In order to deliver the 250,000 homes required about 100,000 more than the current annual build rate even if all the trained bricklayers across the UK joined the effort, there still wouldn’t be enough to meet targets.

Mr Farmer said that industrialised, hi-tech, automated systems were now needed to build homes.

“The upshot of the above is that it looks virtually impossible to generate a traditional workforce of sufficient size to be able to double its output and address our housing needs,” he said. “We need to engage with the millenial generation to make housebuilding appealing but also build more in factories using more automation to improve efficiency and reduce the number of people needed to build one house.”

As the construction industry struggles to respond to the syncronised recovery, migrant labour is “likely to be one of the best options for extra manpower” the report found.

Census data from 2001 to 2011 suggests a rise in the proportion of construction workers born outside the UK of 5pc to 106pc. This means approximately 220,000 non-UK born migrants were employed in construction in England and Wales in 2011.

Inward mirgation may be the only practial way to get Britain building in the short-term – even though it takes away the immediate pressure to put in place long-term training and skills development programmes,” said Mr Farmer.

So, yes. We need more immigrants so those immigrants can build houses for the immigrants already here.

This is the new mode of reasoning.

And no one is questioning it.

Why can’t we do the robot thing?

Capitalism, I presume.