UK: Negro and Shield Maiden Arrested Over Murder of White Man on Train

Darren Shane Pencille and Chelsea Mitchell.

Shocking and unpredictable.

A white woman assisting a negro to spite one of her own men?

Is this the sort of thing women do when they’re not raised in cages?

The Telegraph:

A man has been charged with the murder of a 51-year-old man who was stabbed to death on a train in front of his 14-year-old son.

Darren Shane Pencille, 35 from Farnham, was charged on Sunday night with the murder of Lee Pomeroy and possession of an offensive weapon in connection with the attack on board a train from Guildford to London on Friday.

Chelsea Mitchell, 27, also from Farnham, has also been charged with assisting an offender.

Mr Pomeroy was travelling to London with his only son from their home in Guildford when he got into a trivial row with another man.

Police said that within minutes the argument had exploded into extreme violence and Mr Pomeroy, a maths graduate and IT consultant, had been stabbed multiple times.

It emerged on Sunday night that his 14-year-old son was cradling him as he lay dying. The teenager, who had been looking forward to spending some “quality time” with his father, was continuing to receive care from specially trained officers.

Lee Pomeroy.