UK: Negro Girlfriend Threw Acid on White Boyfriend’s Face – He Died

Tim Hort
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2017

Berlinah Wallace.

It’s not just white men who have to be scared of Negroid lovers!

Stay safe, brothers – don’t fuck niggers!

Daily Mail:

The victim of an acid attack gave evidence from beyond the grave in a ground-breaking murder trial today – telling how his ex-girlfriend laughed before dousing him in a corrosive liquid.

Mark Van Dongen, 29, was paralysed from the neck down, suffered extensive burns, had his left leg amputated and struggled to speak after the attack by Berlinah Wallace, 48, in Bristol.

Prosecutors say that, despite the victim having later died at a euthanasia clinic in Belgium, the acid attack led directly to his death and have charged Wallace with murder.

As part of the evidence in her highly unusual trial today, the jury was shown footage of Mark being interviewed by police before his death.

Describing the attack, he told a British detective: ‘She woke me up and said that “If I can’t have you no one can”.

‘And she laughed and just threw the acid, it was a square box of acid with about an inch of acid in it. I only went back because I felt sorry for her.’

Mark Dongen.