UK: Negro Pervert Sentenced to 15 Years for Raping Young Child

Greg Kedienhon.

Now listen here, Greg: just because African sheboons are ready for sex at like 7, doesn’t mean white girls are.

Different species, different rules.


A paedophile who raped and sexually assaulted a young girl in Cambridge has been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

The victim disclosed to police and social services that she had been raped and sexually assaulted by Kedienhon for two years, with the abuse starting when she was just seven years old.

Police and social care workers first became aware of the disclosures in October 2015, via an anonymous call made to social services.

Greg Kedienhon, 27, of no fixed address, was arrested in early 2017 but denied all the offences.

He stood trial at Peterborough Crown Court from 11 December, where he was found guilty of rape and two charges of sexual assault.

Kedienhon has been jailed for a total of 15 years.

He was also made the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) for a period of 15 years and put on the Sex Offenders Register for life.