UK: Negro Priest Caught Smoking Crack and Hankering for Hoes

The -steins and -bergs who teach at our universities love to suggest that Europe has magical soil, and that moving an African there will – almost overnight – transform him into a Shakespeare-reciting, opera-appreciating, pension-paying gentleman of the finest color.

But I’m not convinced.

I mean, if they really believed that, why would they smirk so Jewishly after saying it?

Daily Mail:

A Church of England vicar has apparently been caught on video inhaling from a crack pipe and discussing prostitutes.

Footage seems to show the Rev Stennett Kirby, a vicar in East London, snorting cocaine and saying: ‘I’m a very happy man’.

The 64-year-old priest was seen sitting on a sofa with a friend and apparently watching porn and talking about escorts, according to The Sun on Sunday.

Mr Kirby is the vicar of West Ham Parish Church in Stratford and has held the position since 2007.

The video reportedly shows him lighting up a pipe and separately snorting powdered cocaine.

He is said to have talked about paying for a female escort, saying: ‘I wish I could. If I had money, I would. I’ve only got £10 left.’

Mr Kirby also apparently discussed buying the legal drug poppers on a visit to Soho in central London.

Forgive me, father, but I must chuckle.

Not just because the notion of a black vicar in a quaint English parish is absurd, but because this story is a textbook example of “you can take the Wakandan out of Wakanda, but you can’t take Wakanda out of the Wakandan.”

Seriously, how often do you hear about traditional English parishioners smoking crack cocaine? And when it finally happens – color me surprised – it’s a shaved baboon in a cassock!

At a service this morning, the Rev Stephen Chandler, an associate minister at the church, broke the news to the congregation.

He said: ‘By now many of you may have heard of an article which has appeared online today concerning your vicar, the Revd Stennett Kirby.

‘I am trying to support Stennett pastorally at this demanding time for him and he is very much in my prayers and Bishop Stephen’s [of Chelmsford], as are you all here at All Saints.

Following the service a parishioner, who did not want to be named, said: ‘No-one would have known about this before the announcement.

‘Everyone is very shocked.’


So shocking. So out of nowhere.

But hey, maybe I shouldn’t be too hard on Mr. Kirby. After all, this is what happens when a man is subjected to decades of brutal slavery. If those whip-cracking Bongs hadn’t forced him to pick cotton in the stifling Devonshire heat for the first 25 years of his life, perhaps he wouldn’t have fallen so far from grace.