UK: Negro Strangles His White Wife to Death After Learning She Found Someone Else

Karen and Thomas Peter.

Remember, mudsharks: You can take the nog out of Wakanda, but you can’t take Wakanda out of the nog.

If you leave your brown pet, he’s gonna come fo’ yo ass.

Daily Mail:

An adulterous husband who strangled his wife and set light to her body after taking out more than £300,000 in life insurance is facing life in prison.

Thomas Peter, 50, forced a flannel cloth down his wife Karen’s throat before throttling her at their home in Romford, east London, on August 2.

Just one month earlier, Thomas took out the maximum £310,000 life insurance policy available in the event he or his wife should die.

Peter, a plasterer by trade, claimed to have accidentally strangled his wife when they both ‘fell over during a row in the bedroom.’

He then said he set her lifeless body on fire accidentally after he lit candles to ‘to calm the mood’.

The Old Bailey heard Peter flew into a jealous rage after learning the mother-of-three had finally moved on with a new lover, following years of violent abuse and affairs.

The job centre worker, also 50, had recently ditched her wedding and engagement rings, got a number of tattoos and told friends she had ‘met someone special’.

He faces spending a minimum of 30 years behind bars due to the fact that the murder was carried out for gain.

Jurors heard the pair married in 1994 but ‘it had been a far from happy relationship for Karen’.